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Fantasy Faire 2016 – [ Sakide ], Faeline Fairy, ThatChick & Wasabi Pills



* * Fantasy Faire 2016, April 21 – May 1* *
A Benefit for the American Cancer Society

Celebrating its eighth year, Fantasy Faire 2016 is the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, roleplayers and performers in the virtual world. From Thursday, April 21 to Sunday May 1, treat yourself to eleven days of shopping, live music concerts, auctions, hunts, events and roleplaying as thousands of Second Life residents and creators bring their own visions together to support the American Cancer Society’s vision of a world without cancer.

Avatars, clothing, furnishings, gadgets and exclusive items are available from more than 180 of SL’s top Fantasy Creators across ten stunning shopping sims designed by some of the visionary artists behind many of the hottest spots on the SL destination guide.

The Fantasy Faire 2016 is made possible by the generous support of our Sim and Event Sponsors: .Arcadia., Building Daydreams, Cerridwen’s Cauldron, Curious Kitties, Dark Unicorns of Lovelace, Death Row Designs, Empyrean Forge, Epic Toy Factory, Fallen Gods Inc., KittyCatS!, The Looking Glass, The Lost Unicorn Gallery, meadowWorks, Merchants of Dreams, The NeoVictoria Project, OtherSkin, Roawenwood, Safe Waters Foundation, Sanctuary RP Community, Solarium, Storybook, The White Armory and Yasum Design.

Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit cancer.org or call (US) .

Email: FantasyFaireSL@gmail.com
Website: http://fantasyfaireSL.wordpress.com/
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/fantasyfairesl/
Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/FantasyFaireSL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FantasyFaireSL
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/fantasyfairesl/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FantasyFaireSL
RFL in SL: www.relayforlife.org/secondlife

American Cancer Society SLurl:

From [ Sakide ]  comes two stunning outfits for Fantasy Faire 2016.  First up comes the Kethya Glow Outfit, which features standard mesh, Maitreya and SLINK sizing and includes colour/texture change hud allowing for 4 colours for top, bottom, and ropes.  Next up comes the Llenna outfit, which includes mesh top and mesh skirt (in regular or long styles), is featured in standard, Maitreya and SLINK sizing and includes texture change hud allowing for Tulle or Rose pattern.  Available in 6 stunning colours for the event, you may not be able to pick up just one!  If you’re looking for some amazing wings, look no further than Faeline Fairy and the release of the Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano).  To see these beauties in action, the fantastic creator has created a Youtube video you won’t want to miss.  And from ThatChick comes some fantastic flowers that I absolutely adore.  The FairyDew Ghost Blossom (violet), and the Mesh Crystalline Flower Sets (in purple and opal) add a bit of fun and whimsy to any decorative adventure.  And last, but not least, from Wasabi Pills comes the Thyra Hair, which is featured in a plethora of colours, as well as options for sizing to ensure it fits perfectly with any outfit.

Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] - (Kethya Glow Outfit) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_001 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] - (Kethya Glow Outfit) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_002 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] - (Kethya Glow Outfit) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_003 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] - (Kethya Glow Outfit) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_004 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Cream) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_001 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Cream) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_002 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Lavender) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_001 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Lavender) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_002 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Pink) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_001 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Pink) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_002 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Teal) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_001 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (Teal) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_002 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (White) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_001 Fantasy Faire 2016 - [ SAKIDE ] Lienna Gown (White) - Faeline Fairy Wings (Ayano Rose) - ThatChick_002


Skin: Deluxe Body Factory | Cassidy | Chai
Shape: Deluxe Body Factory | Momo Shape
Eyes: Hekate | The Last Unicorn | Daylight
Eye shadow: alaskametro | Extreme Wing Eyeshadow | Electric
Lipstick: alaskametro | Cole Lipstick | Orchid
Hair: Wasabi Pills | Thyra | Available at Fantasy Faire 2016 – The Golden Delta
Wings: Faeline Fairy Wings | Ayano (rose) | Available at Fantasy Faire 2016 – Serenity

Gown: [ Sakide ] | As Listed Above | Available at Fantasy Faire 2016 – Serenity
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Shoes: [ Sakide ] | Darling Heels
Poses: Exposeur
Botanicals: ThatChick | As Listed Above | Available at Fantasy Faire 2016 – Bright Haven

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